E quando entras na loja encontras aquela peça que deixa no "levo, não levo". Primeiro estranhei, depois achei que seria demasiado colorida mas
ao mesmo tempo interessante, comprei e agora não há dúvidas, adoro!
Shirt: Yves Saint Laurent (Vintage)
And when you enter into a store you find that piece that leaves you like "should I or should'nt I take it". First
I was surprised, then I thought it would be too colorful but at the
same time interesting, I bought it and now there is no doubt about it, I
love it!
Shirt: Yves Saint Laurent (Vintage)
Jeans: Levi's Vintage
Shoes: Asos
Bag: Zara
Sunglasses: Emporio Armani
Watch: Casio
Photos by LP
Quem gosta, gosta! Penso que não sou a única (espero eu) mas nos últimos tempos a Adidas tem despertado o meu interesse em vários artigos. Não sei bem se pela nostalgia que provoca, se pela própria simplicidade intemporal. Desta vez trago uma sugestão num registo um pouco diferente, espero que gostem.
When you like it, you like it! I think I'm not the only one (I hope) but in recent times Adidas has piqued my interest in several articles. I am not sure if it's by the nostalgia that provokes, if it's by the own timeless simplicity. This time I bring a suggestion in a slightly different register, I hope you like it.
When you like it, you like it! I think I'm not the only one (I hope) but in recent times Adidas has piqued my interest in several articles. I am not sure if it's by the nostalgia that provokes, if it's by the own timeless simplicity. This time I bring a suggestion in a slightly different register, I hope you like it.
Sweater: Pull&Bear
Leggins: Adidas Originals
Shoes: Stradivarius (old)/ Adidas Stan Smith
Photos by LP
Quando escolho um item para uma sugestão no B.CHOICE é sempre uma escolha pessoal, algo que gosto realmente. Quando escolhi esta camisa como sugestão sabia que não iria resistir, tinha que ser minha. Aqui fica a minha versão, espero que gostem.
When I choose an item for a suggestion in B.CHOICE it's always a personal choice, something I really like. When I chose this shirt as a suggestion I knew I would not resist, it had to be mine. Here's my version, I hope you like it.
When I choose an item for a suggestion in B.CHOICE it's always a personal choice, something I really like. When I chose this shirt as a suggestion I knew I would not resist, it had to be mine. Here's my version, I hope you like it.
Shirt: Zara
Jeans and Shoes: Zara (old)
Bag: Mango (old)
Lipstick: Estée Lauder
Photos by LP
O preto é uma das minhas cores de eleição, fica sempre bem e nunca desilude. Perfeito para a criação de um look elegante e misterioso como a sugestão de hoje, espero que gostem!
Black is one of my choice colors, it always looks good and never disappoints. Perfect for creating a stylish and mysterious look, like today's suggestion, I hope you enjoy it!
Black is one of my choice colors, it always looks good and never disappoints. Perfect for creating a stylish and mysterious look, like today's suggestion, I hope you enjoy it!
Sweater: Zara
Skirt: Dona Hortênsia (local store)
Shoes: Zara
Bag: Zara
Sunglasses: Emporio Armani
Photos by LP
Nunca pensei voltar a usar as calças listradas de treino e agora que as tenho novamente não me quero separar delas (pelo menos não aos fins de semanas e feriados). Aquela sensação de aconchego é inevitável e bem-vinda, tudo o que procuro num look de fim de semana. Sugestão aprovada?
I never thought I would go back to wearing the striped training pants and now that I got it again I don't want to separate myself from them (at least not on weekends and holidays). That feeling of warmth is inevitable and welcome, all I'm seeking for a weekend look. Suggestion approved?
I never thought I would go back to wearing the striped training pants and now that I got it again I don't want to separate myself from them (at least not on weekends and holidays). That feeling of warmth is inevitable and welcome, all I'm seeking for a weekend look. Suggestion approved?
Shirt: Pull&Bear F/W16
Trousers: Adidas (local store)
Shoes: Adidas Originals Superstar
Bag: Zara (old)
Sunglasses: Dior Dioround
Necklace: Stradivarius
Photos by LP
Continua...devia ter terminado o meu último post desta forma. Se noutro post o top tinha mangas à boca de sino o de hoje tem os folhos. Vejam o post de hoje como um pleonasmo (reforço da ideia de que os folhos e boca de sino estão mesmo na moda). Espero que gostem da sugestão.
To be Continued ... I should have ended my last post in this way. In the other post the top had flare sleeves and today it has the ruffles. See today's post as a pleonasm (reinforcing the idea that the ruffles and flare are very fashionable). I hope you like the suggestion.
To be Continued ... I should have ended my last post in this way. In the other post the top had flare sleeves and today it has the ruffles. See today's post as a pleonasm (reinforcing the idea that the ruffles and flare are very fashionable). I hope you like the suggestion.
Top: Bershka
Jeans: Stradivarius SS16
Bag: Zara
Sunglasses: Ray Ban
Shoes: Zara SS16
Photos by LP