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by - segunda-feira, setembro 05, 2016

O look blue Jeans and white shirt é um clássico intemporal e que nunca falha. Mas e se a esta simples t-shirt juntares um top efeito lingerie? Resultado, o que era simples torna-se elaborado e o que era básico deixa de o ser. O que achas desta sobreposição? Podes criar a tua ou compra-las já prontas a usar (é o caso do meu top), tu decides!


The look blue jeans and white shirt is a timeless classic and it never fails. But what if this simple t-shirt add a lingerie top? Result, what it was simple it becomes drafted and what was basic ceases to be. What do you think of this overlap? You can create your own or buy them already ready to wear (is the case of my top), you decide!

Top:Zara SS16
Jeans: Levi's
Bag: H&M A/F16
Shoes: Zara SS16
Sunglasses: Dior Sideral
Watch: Casio

Photos by LP

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